Designd & Designed

Designd & Designed

Designd & Designed featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Free Touch

"Free touch" consists of two parts of the switch and the baseplate. The switch consists of a small wafer with a new type of human body pressure sensing technology. People only need to attach it to anything they think is reasonable, and then do some natural touch, and it can light lamp.There is a card slot on the baseplate and a solar panel on the back, and the battery is charged with solar energy. When the switch part needs to be charged, just need to put wafer into the card slot."Free touch" is a new type of wireless switch, it brings a new way to open.

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"Knitted" - Lighting Collection

A series of lightings that combines technology with tradition. Knitting acrylic threads in fixed patterns with wool crochet, creates a three-dimensional sheet of fabric which serves as a lighting fixture. The project was born from a collaboration between the designers Ariel Zuckerman and Oded Sapir . The process of developing the fabric, with the aid of textile designer Adva Bruner, led to the combination of an industrial knitted fabric with a handmade crochet detail. Fitting the fabric onto a rigid skeletal structure creates a light fixture with an organic feel and a rich colourfulness.

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LOTUS DOME is a living dome made out of hundreds of smart flowers which fold open in response to human behavior. It was placed in Sainte Marie Madeleine Church in Lille LOTUS DOME where it created an interactive play of light and shadow. As a futuristic vision of the Renaissance, LOTUS DOME merges elements of architecture and nature into an interactive environment. LOTUS is also realized as a curved 4 x 2 meters wall.

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The inspiration came looking strains of a fir-tree that has been cut. The strain is made to clip through from the bottom upwards, taking 100 mm of thickness at the top. After are practiced cuts along the circumference of the strain, at random, of different dimensions so as to always have different effects of light. Being is a lamp made with the use of scrap wood. It is an object of desgin of "recovery".

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the most innovative point of this switch design is to enable our users clearly identify each light is controlled by which different witches. Based on the traditional switch design standard, we figure out a small slot above the switch, which can place light label. The installation is simple and practical, we just need to insert the different printed label into the different slots. There is a small hole in the notch of the label plate, users can use smaller tools to eject the label paper.

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Arsuf Panoramic

The goals of this project were to achieve a calming effect through lighting design, and emphasize the serenity of the seaside environment. The light projects outwards, pouring through the pattern of the building's outer skin. This differs from traditional outdoor lighting, as it was designed specifically to emphasize the special pattern of the building exterior. It was challenge to find an LED which resists UV exposure, the air's high salinity and weather corrosion, and whose light isn't made too harsh due to the increase in color temperature, as a result of its encapsulation

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